Sunday, April 19, 2015



Practically this week consisted of work and movie watching which, I really enjoyed for the fact, I've been waiting to watch Donnie Darko ever since I've heard we were gonna watch it. So, I was super glad we did that in class and just, Frank will forever be in my nightmares.

I wanna become a better storyteller with my movies because, my video ideas are all so corny like, really REALLY corny.

Ubcon was this weekend and let's just say, I had a whole lot of fun and Springtrap was a huge hit on Saturday, took a lot of pictures with people and even did the cosplay contest, I didn't win but there were tons of great costumes there! I EVEN GOT TO MEET JOHN PATRICK LOWRIE AND ELLEN MCLAIN AKA SNIPER AND GLADOS

they even gave me advice for when i go to college to study animation on taking acting classes and all that stuff, they were super sweet and amazing.

At the con actually, I scared the living daylight out of this one kid. As soon as he saw me, he screamed his head off and was almost on the verge of tears. I felt so bad and it was the second most awkward moment at the con. I took the head off and everything to try to calm him down. He actually thought I was Purple Guy and that was a moment I wont forget.

Summing it Up:

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! I wish I went as well. I'm so glad you had a fun time!
