Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Little How To (Blog# 13)

Here's How

. When hiding a Lav Mic the best option is, if you don't have to hide it, don't do it. By having an exposed mic, you get the best sound quality then having it hidden in clothing and etc. By having it exposed and hidden in clothing, clothing could rub against it and give you bad sound. Another thing that could happen and give you bad sound, is cable noise in which the cable gives out sound when it is moved. Hair could also give bad audio is someone is hairy, even on the chest.
A cool way to possibly hide a lav mic in a tie, is to simply clip it backwards so that the clip could be mistaken as a tie clip or to even tie the mic into a lose knot and put it behind the tie. Tape it down and then make two triangle pieces and sandwich the mic into place and this aids in blocking out some noise from rubbing on clothing. Also, to hide a mic in a tie, hide it in the actual knot of the tie by bringing it down and have it poke out from the bottom and even if it is pointing down, the audio is picked up from the mouth.
If there is no tie, but a collar, do the same technique that was used on the back of the tie and do it under the collar and audio is able to be pick up this way as well. With a buttoned up shirt, you can hide a lav mic between the buttons of shirt with the triangle technique like before.Applying it to the skin is also an option by laying a piece of tape before applying the mic down, First aid tape is recommended and if the person is wearing a t-shirt, just use the same method and run it through the collared area of the t-shirt.

The Opinion

. This video was extremely helpful and eye opening on exactly how a lav mic could be hidden from a shot an this could be really helpful for my own films for the year. I could use these techniques and let's hope and pray for no chest hair.

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