Mainly why I took this class is because, I love art and I want to get into the art field, to do something I enjoy. Iv'e always been in awe of animated movies but I never really thought about the process that goes into making them. So, when I heard about BOCES having an animated based class. I wanted to learn and here I am.
2. In general, what did you like most about this class?
I loved the atmosphere of the class (also the projects!) but, with this atmosphere, I became more creative and I got to meet some great people who are artistic like myself. I developed as an artist.
3. In general, what did you like least about this class?
To be honest, nothing really. Here and there, I thought about how bad of an artist I was because of how wonderful everyone was but that's just mainly myself. Low confidence to the max with this one.
4. What was your most favorite project and why?
I really loved the 11 Second Club. Lip Syncing is something I actually really enjoy doing, it's tedious but well worth it when you mouth moves correctly.
5. What was your least favorite project and why?
My 3D Short, not really the project but just my own idea and concept. I should have gone more simpler with my idea. The model just really pissed me off. But again, my own fault. I love Maya but, practice makes perfect I guess.
And rotoscoping is just, no
6. Discuss the overall effectiveness of the instructor (for example: preparation, availability, interest, content knowledge, expectations, etc.).
Ms. Licata was a wonderful instructor. Her personality and connection with the class was a huge plus for me. A relation/connection with the teacher is a great thing to have. Our lessons in class were also educational and I learned a lot, more than what I thought I would. She peaked my interest about the animation field and truly, made me want to learn more and more about the field of animation/video production.
One of the best teachers/instructors I have ever had. She has helped me some much along the way and I appreciate it immensely.
7. What are the most valuable things you learned in the class?
Critique and Time Management.
I was never great at people critiquing my work and with this class, I learned that I'm gonna have to get used to it and I have gotten better with it. Time Management is something I learned the hard way, by staying up all night trying to finish projects and all of the above.
8. Do you feel that this class will help you achieve your future academic or career goals? How or why (or why not)?
Oh definitely, my taking this class, I learned so much about art and animation that I didn't even think or know about. This class did help me figure out what I wanted to do with my life by giving me the boast of information I needed to lift me off. I'm even looking at colleges right now.
9. How could this class be improved?
I would have to say, by getting that TARDIS sound-booth we need. That would help a whole lot.
10. Additional comments:
I'm gonna miss my classmates and this class. It was a lot of fun this year and I can't wait to see old and new ones again next year.

Anyways, goodbye old friends

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