Saturday, September 28, 2013

Say NO To Spirit Week (Blog #7)

another week goes by and it's wondrous. things are going awesome and also i'm enjoying myself in class. i always can't wait to come in, with the whole class and get to work. this week flew by so fast, it was practically the flash. ha, flash.
this weekend, pretty much being with the family for a football game and usually not my thing but, it actually is fun to do.
now, for the title, spirit week at nfhs was horrible, boring choices for each day and the pep rally was, just no.

that's all i should say
so today, i'm fabric shopping and this will be difficult since i'm such a perfectionist.

for this week i learned about flash, flash man. savior of the universe. hah, joking aside. i love flash, i'll have to get used to it but learning how different animations are created in this program is really interesting

though what really irked me the fact that there is a merge mode, it's the most upsetting thing ever, just no. i don't like it.
for flash though, i can't wait to learn how to do full animated and sounded works. that would be pretty fun.

now for the happy, getting fabric for my medic cosplay is pretty sweet! i still have a bunch to do though, plus making the medi-gun and pack to go with it. ugh, cosplay i love it but damn.

i have nothing else to say so have this gif

also, here's a shout out to my amazing friend Christina and her lovely blog (
thank you so much for the shout out, ububu

so for anyone who reads this, here ya go

oh, sam and frodo are totally into each other (thoughsamandrosiehadlike13children)


  1. you're doing a medic cosplay? you're awesome

    1. why thank you, but i'm not awesome. you're the awesome one. though yeah, i'm in development of the rest of my cosplay. heh

  2. Up with nerds! Down with jocks!
    And I simply ADORE the .gifs xD Remember, it's Gif, because some of us don't like peanut butter in our computers ^^
    Thank you for the shoutout! Or is it shout BACK? Hm...

    1. Oh god yes, and who really knows. it's not an answer us mortals need to know.
