Sunday, April 6, 2014

DIY Filmmaking (Blog #51)

A Little of This...

. For your lights, it's a good tip to run the cord under the leg stands and instead of just out in the open, so in case you trip the cord of pull on it, the light wouldn't fall down as easily.

. Thrift shops such as the Salvation Army, are good places to look out for things, such as other cords for various uses and padding for things you are using around the studio, for extra support.

. Lighting is another thing, good lighting helps a video/movie being made and a good investment comes from lights that could changed and the color could be altered as well.

...A Little of That...

. The thrift store idea is a wonderful idea. I, myself, go to thrift stores a lot for various things and also, for your film, it's a great place to find clothes to use for your actors.

. Using cardboard to block windows out is a little iffy, in my opinion. I would use a thick black curtain, or even a painted piece of wood if I could.

...And a Pinch of That.

. Any other tips that would add to the list?

Pixar TIPS (Blog # 50)

Learned Tips

. When animating something you haven't done before, try to break it down to simpler components to make it easier for yourself.

. With your work, don't be afraid to show it even when it's not your best (yet) Both you and the director want the best product for the animation and a good critique is not bad.

. Don't be afraid to act either for your animation. It's highly recommended to know about acting as it helps understand movement when you, or you see another person doing a motion for an animation.

My Opinions

. The acting thing is a huge thing for me, I sometimes sit at my Mac and open my mouth or pose to see what it would look like, yeah, I look like an idiot sometimes but it helps at points!

. "When in doubt, throw it out" So true, I had to throw out so many things for my 11 second club because, I wan't liking it and I went simple for some parts, which did help and I liked the outcome of the product.

Student Questions?

. Would you use any of these tips and which one's would you use?

Nothing New (Blog # 49)

This week, once again, was pretty bland and normal. Just lots of school work...

In AP English, we got our last book to read and this time, we could choose our book and I picked Th Great Gatsby. Can't wait to read it, never seen the movie and I know nothing about it, so that's good. In Math, were doing trig work and it's really easy for me so I'm not really worried about that.

What I really want to learn is how to do fluid motion blurs for animations.

Something good that happened this week was that the TF2 Comic updated and the whole thing was hilarious! Heavy's name was revealed by his sisters, which it is Misha or Mikhail, which is Micheal in Russian. Just, it makes me so giddy!

Something bad, well, nothing actually, Nothing went wrong this week and it's nice for a change.

Summing it Up:


Friday, April 4, 2014

Praise the Sun! (Video # 21)

Dark Souls!
I love the LORE videos and I thought some of us would enjoy this video so, prepare to die.